
Readathon Update #5

Update #5
Hours 9 & 10: 4pm - 6pm

Currently reading: Red Hot Chili Cook Off

Where I'm reading: moved around a lot these two hours... outside,  back porch,  kitchen table,  & comfy chair

Instagram posts : 2 (follow me @ papajm25)

Snacks devoured: dinner of broccoli & pasta in garlic oil followed by wine (homemade green apple riesling) & Lindt sea salt dark chocolate
Coffee consumed: 0

Breaks: 30m blog hopping

Current mood: pleased

Total pages read thus far: 461
Total time spent reading thus far: 4hr 10min
Books finished thus far: 2
Challenges completed thus far: 2

write to be understood, speak to be heard, read to grow


  1. You are doing great! That pasta looks delish...there have been some great looking food pictures today. Making me hungry :-) Good luck with the rest of the readathon!

    Team Hughes

  2. Wow! You're doing great!!

    Btw, your snacks are making me super hungry!
    Vonnie's Reading Corner
