
Introductions, please!

It's Armchair BEA time! I would LOVE to go to the real Book Expo America someday, but for now, I'll join in (as in years past) via the next best thing: Armchair BEA. If you haven't joined in before and would like to learn more, hop over to the Armchair BEA site.

So, without further ado, let's start by introducing ourselves!

1. Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging? Where in the world are you blogging from?
Hello hello! I'm Jenna and I started blogging in 2009, as a means to record all the books I was reading. I have been pretty on-again off-again with it throughout the years, but the past few years have been much more consistent with just some lulls throughout the year. I'm blogging from Central/Upstate New York - I've lived in this vicinity my whole life.

2. What does your favorite/ideal reading space look like? (Pinterest encouraged!) 
I LOVE tiny nooks. My ideal place is currently being built in my basement- under the stairs I am getting a nook. It will look like this picture in terms of  structure, but style will be more rustic to match the knotty pine finish of our basement. I'm also going to extend the length to go under the stairs instead of shelving like in this picture- that way it can also be utilized as a place to lay down and crash. The underneath will be storage like in this picture. BUT if we are being honest, my ideal nook would be colorful and plush and bursting with eccentric touches... it just doesn't fit into the decor of my house so I'm compromising. :)

3. Share your favorite book or reading related quote.

4. If you were stranded on a deserted island, what 3 books would you bring? Why? What 3 non-book items would you bring? Why?
Ooooh good question! If I was stranded on an island..
The 3 books I would bring...
1. Harry Potter (yep- cheating... counting the series as one! LOL) because it is by far my most favorite series ever.
2. Lord of the Flies because what better book is there to read on a deserted island?! Also, it is another favorite
3. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest to keep myself grounded in reality... also, a long time favorite
The 3 non-book items I would bring...
1. My Gerber multi-tool.. for the obvious reasons of survival
2. Water bottle purifier... so I can drink the water
3. Flint & steel... because making fire without the two is a pain in the ass

5. What book would you love to see as a movie?
I'd love to see George Orwell's 1984 made into a movie. I know it has been done, but I want it updated and done well

write to be understood, speak to be heard, read to grow


  1. Oh, I don't think I could read Lord of the Flies on an island! I'd have to bring something cold, like Frozen Fire! I love the tiny Nook for reading, but I think my basement stairs are under the other set-- who needs to get to the basement? Hope you have fun with Armchair BEA.

    1. Good call on the frozen fire!! I think Lord of the Flies would give me some perspective :) haha

  2. I picked that quote as well. So true.

    1. I loved all the quotes you picked! Happy Armchair Bea week! Have fun )

  3. Hi, Jenna! That's so cool that you're building an under-the-stairs reading nook!

    Have a great week with Armchair BEA!

    1. Thanks! I will have to post more pics once we get further in- right now it is just a bench with tools on it. Lol.

  4. Can I just say how jealous I am of your reading nook? I read on my couch while fighting two dogs for ownership of my own lap. One day I hope to have my own special reading nook.

    Ashley (Closed the Cover)

    1. Haha I know how that goes! My lab sometimes thinks he is a lap dog, and he most certainly is NOT.

  5. Ooh, I agree that 1984 is long overdue for a reboot. Who would you cast in the movie?

  6. Hey Jenna! Armchair BEA is how I found you a couple of years ago. I meant to say congrats on your engagement on Instagram, but I've been really bad about commenting on there. So, super late congratulations!

  7. They are remaking every other movie under the sun, so 1984 is not a bad option.
    Great meeting you!

  8. I'm still visiting Armchair BEA posts!! I've got sooo behind!!

    I also included Harry Potter and a water filter!! I love that we are on the same page there!! And, someday, I will have my own little reading nook. Until then, I dream about them a LOT!!
