
Boredom & a blogiversary

Bored. That is the only word for it. So bored, that I didn't notice my blogiversary app was broken and that my blogging anniversary came and went this summer. I started blogging in the summer of 2009. I reviewed books and posted some tidbits of life and my photography. Since then, I've wrote less about my life and have stalled out with writing pretty much only reviews. It is boring. My hits have gone down and my engagement is almost nil. In turn, I stopped visiting other blogs and engaging with this community. I've slowly been going down this road for quite some time. I can't pinpoint when it happened, but it seems now like this has always been the norm... and I hate it. After 5 years of Little Bird Reads, I just feel done. I don't want to be... but I can't keep up the way I have been. Not engaging and only posting reviews is terribly boring and takes the entire fun and community out of blogging. I haven't written about this topic because I honestly felt alone and ashamed that I was in this place. I started blogging because it was fun and it has now become a boring chore. Recently, I read Andi and Heather's blog posts about this general topic, and it made me realize I am not alone and that I should be talking about this. Heather also shared some links to even more bloggers feeling the same way and this is definitely feeling more and more like the theme of book blogging right now. How do we stay unique and keep it interesting? Reviews are getting boring. I'm sick of reading them and I'm sick of writing them.
The only way to get out of a slump is to actively engage in working towards that goal. So, I'm starting by admitting (thanks to the brave ladies who did so ahead of me and inspired me to do so myself) that I am bored. Now it is up to me to change that.

The only question is, how?

write to be understood, speak to be heard, read to grow


  1. This. *hug*

    I'm in this spot right now myself, and I have some thoughts. I'll be back later to post when I've organized them.

    1. *hugs* back... totally feeling BLAH about it all.Glad I'm not alone

  2. I have often wondered how bloggers find the energy to keep going, especially when it involves so much time and effort on their part (like book reveiws!). I found your blog searching for a press release for Little Bird Tales and wanted you to know that we all go through highs and lows and wonder, "Why, why, why do I struggle to keep things going when I gain so little?" Then I'll get an email from a grateful teacher, or view a Tale from a 6 year old that lifts my heart and I remember why I do what I do. It's not for fame or fortune. I'm addicted to helping kids reach their full potential. I want to help teachers make it easier to reach their students and instill a love for reading, writing and sharing. I love that our site helps give kids a voice and a way to share their creativity. You have the same goals, so I'm encouraging you to keep going! Go to a MeetUp with like minded people! Attend a school book fair! Volunteer at a library, start a kids book club, and get you passion back!

    1. Thanks Aimee! I think part of my burnout is that this is in addition to all that - I teach middle school in a residential setting, where my kids struggle in every way imaginable. I exert so much energy on them and helping them learn, grow, and succeed (which I LOVE doing- that truly is my passion) that when I get home, I have nothing more to give to the blog. Balancing it all is hard right now and I'm just trying to pull myself out of the slump.
