
Survey time!

So, my first task for Bout of Books 13 is to complete the Bookish Survey by Writing My Own Fairytale. Woot woot - time to share opinions! I am a lover of all things opinion related... discussions are the spice of life, man!

Without further ado...

1. How do you organize your shelves?
ROYGBIV! I have been rainbow organized on my shelves for probably a good 7 years now. I love it. It was totally annoying at first but I pushed through that because it was just so aesthetically pleasing. Now, I can tell you where every book is based on spine color. (I have a really really really good memory for visual cues, so that it kind of just me- I was that way even without color-coded shelves).

2. What is one of your favorite book that’s not in one of your favorite genres?
I just finished Vengeance be Mine by Louisa Lo, which is an urban fantasy novel. This is far outside my realm of reading, and I totally LOVED it. I was really surprised that I liked it as much as I did. I may be branching out more often!

3. What is the last 5 star book you read?
I read Gracefully Grayson by Ami Polonsky during Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon a few weekends ago and LOVED it. It was a 5-star all the way.
If I was writing this tonight, I imagine the book would be different - I have about 40 pages left in my current read and I can tell it will be a 5-star as well.

4. What book are you most excited to read during the read-a-thon?
No idea. I'm finishing The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein... but then, who knows. Any ideas?

5. What book do you recommend the most?
Harry Potter.

write to be understood, speak to be heard, read to grow


  1. Rainbow organised?! I love this idea! Although I have a feeling my shelf is too gray to pull it off :(

    1. Hahaha... well, I do have a b&w shelf, which is quite a large section of my rainbow!

  2. I can't do the color thing. I need my series to be together. I get anxious just thinking about color-coding my shelves, lol. And, I knew your answer would be Harry Potter. :) I'm glad you didn't disappoint me.

    1. Of course you knew! Lol. I do actually have one shelf dedicated to just series. Of course, my Harry Potter stuff is all in one area, displayed like the true Potterhead I am.

  3. I'm a colour coordinator too :) I love how the books when they are organised according to their colours! And that picture broke a bit my heart (again for the millionth time)!

  4. Oooh, I've always loved bookshelves that have books arranged by color! It really is quite lovely. I'm not quite as able to remember books by the color of their covers so this wouldn't work for me but I love seeing it done on other bookshelves!

    My B.O.B. Survey

    1. It really is pretty! :) Hope you're having a great BoB so far!

  5. OMG, I absolutely LOVED reading The Art of Racing in the Rain and it is one of the top novels I recommend to other readers. :-) I have the wonderful opportunity of meeting Garth Stein earlier this year at an author signing event for his latest novel. It was so cool to hear him speak and meet him in person!

    Here's a link to my Bookish Survey: http://captivatedreader.blogspot.com/2015/05/bookish-survey-bout-of-books-130.html

    1. I just finished it last night and I have a serious book hangover!! I LOVED it. That is so cool you got to meet Garth Stein! Jealous!

  6. ALWAYS. We are such twins. And I love the ROYGBIV system, but knowing me I'd forget what a book looks like and have a hell of a time finding it. But at least yours looks pretty! :)
