
Readathon Update #7

Update #7
Hours 13 & 14: 8pm - 10pm

Currently reading: Red Hot Chili Cook Off

Where I'm reading: bed

Instagram posts : 0 (follow me @ papajm25)

Snacks devoured: 0

Coffee consumed: 1

Breaks: this whole block!

Current mood: rejuvenated

Total pages read thus far: 498
Total time spent reading thus far: 4hr 48m
Books finished thus far: 2
Challenges completed thus far: 4

write to be understood, speak to be heard, read to grow


  1. It happens to us all eventually! Sweet dreams :) Happy reading and enjoy the rest of Readathon (if you wake before Hour 24)! You did a great job! #TeamHughes

  2. Hi there! I'm cheering you on with #TeamHughes. Hope you are having fun and still feel motivated. You've made it this far and you're doing great. Good luck with your reading!
